Write a class named GasTank containing: An instance variable named amount of type double, initialized to 0. A method named addGas that accepts a parameter of type double. The value of the amount instance variable is increased by the value of the parameter. A method named useGas that accepts a parameter of type double. The value of the amount instance variable is decreased by the value of the parameter. A method named getGasLevel that accepts no parameters. getGasLevel returns the value of the amount instance variable.



Write a class named GasTank containing:
An instance variable named amount of type double, initialized to 0.
A method named addGas that accepts a parameter of type double. The value of the amount instance variable is increased by the value of the parameter.
A method named useGas that accepts a parameter of type double. The value of the amount instance variable is decreased by the value of the parameter.
A method named getGasLevel that accepts no parameters. getGasLevel returns the value of the amount instance variable.


public class GasTank{
   private double amount = 0;

   public void addGas (double value){
      amount += value;

   public void useGas (double value){
      amount -= value;

   public double getGasLevel (){
      return amount;