Design a class named MyInteger
(The MyInteger class ) Design a class named MyInteger. The class contains:
* An int data field named value that stores the int value represented by this object.
* A constructor that creates a MyInteger object for the specified int value. A getter method that returns the int value.
* The methods isEven(), isOdd(), and isPrime() that return true if the value in this object is even, odd, or prime, respectively.
* The static methods isEven(int), isOdd(int ), and isPrime(int ) that return true if the specified value is even, odd, or prime, respectively.
* The static methods isEven(MyInteger), isOdd(MyInteger), and isPrime(MyInteger) that return true if the specified value is even, odd,or prime, respectively.
* The methods equals (int) and equals (MyInteger) that return true if the value in this object is equal to the specified value.
* A static method parseInt(char []) that converts an array of numeric characters to an int value.
* A static method parseInt(String) that converts a string into an int value.
Draw the UML diagram for the class and then implement the class.
Write a client program that tests all methods in the class . Given that the definition of a prime number is a positive integer be sure to instruct the use to only enter positive integers.
public class MyInteger{ int value; public MyInteger(int newValue){ value = newValue; } public int getValue(){ return value; } public boolean isEven(){ if(value % 2 ==0){ return true; } return false; } public boolean isOdd(){ if(value % 2 != 0){ return true; } return false; } public boolean isPrime(){ int i = 0; for(i = 2; i <= value / 2; i++){ if(value % i != 0){ return true; } } return false; } public boolean isEven(int value){ if(value % 2 == 0){ return true; } return false; } public boolean isOdd(int value){ if(value % 2 != 0){ return true; } return false; } public static boolean isPrime(int value){ return isPrime(value); } public static boolean isEven(MyInteger myInteger){ return myInteger.isEven(myInteger.getValue()); } public static boolean isOdd(MyInteger myInteger){ return myInteger.isOdd(myInteger.getValue()); } public static boolean isPrime(MyInteger myInteger){ return myInteger.isPrime(myInteger.getValue()); } public boolean equals(int intValue){ return value == intValue; } public boolean equals(MyInteger myInteger){ return equals(myInteger.getValue()); } public static int parseInt(String s){ return Integer.parseInt(s); } }