Write a recursive, boolean -valued method named search that accepts an integer array , the number of elements in the array, and an integer (in that order), and returns whether the integer is present as an element in the array.



Write a recursive, boolean -valued method named search that accepts an integer array , the number of elements in the array, and an integer (in that order), and returns whether the integer is present as an element in the array. Searching for a particular value in an array can be performed in the following recursive manner:
• If the array has no elements , the value is not there.
• Compare the first element of the array to the value , if they’re equal , the value is there; other search for the value in the rest of the array .


public static boolean search(int[] elements, int size, int value)
    boolean found=false;
            return found=true;
        return search(elements, size-1, value);
    return found;