Given an integer variable i and a floating-point variable f, write a statement that writes both of their values to standard output in the following format: i=value-of-i f=value-of-f.  Thus, if i has the value 25 and f has the value 12.34, the output would be i=25 f=12.34.

LANGUAGE: Visual Basic


Given an integer variable i and a floating-point variable f, write a statement that writes both of their values to standard output in the following format: i=value-of-i f=value-of-f.  Thus, if i has the value 25 and f has the value 12.34, the output would be i=25 f=12.34.  But if i has the value 187 and f has the value 24.06, the output would be: i=187 f=24.06


MessageBox.Show("i=" & i & "f=" & f)