Assume there is a class AirConditioner that supports the following behaviors: turning the air conditioner on and off, and setting the desired temperature. The following methods provide this behavior: turnOn and turnOff, and setTemp, which accepts an int argument and returns no value . Assume there is a reference variable myAC to an object of this class, which has already been created. Use the reference variable, to invoke a method that tells the object to set the air conditioner to 72 degrees.
Assume there is a class AirConditioner that supports the following behaviors: turning the air conditioner on and off, and setting the desired temperature. The following methods provide this behavior: turnOn and turnOff, and setTemp, which accepts an int argument and returns no value .
Assume there is a reference variable myAC to an object of this class, which has already been created. Use the reference variable, to invoke a method that tells the object to set the air conditioner to 72 degrees.