Write a statement that reads 5 successive integers into these variables that have already been declared : x1 x2 x3 x4 x5. Then write a statement that prints each out on its own line so that they form a right-justified column with a 5-digit width. If any of the integers are 5-digits in size, then they will start at the very beginning of their lines. For example: |54213 |8713 |23 |147 |15
Write a statement that reads 5 successive integers into these variables that have already been declared : x1 x2 x3 x4 x5. Then write a statement that prints each out on its own line so that they form a right-justified column with a 5-digit width. If any of the integers are 5-digits in size, then they will start at the very beginning of their lines. For example: |54213 | 8713 | 23 | 147 | 15
cin >> x1 >> x2 >> x3 >> x4 >> x5; cout << setw(5) << right << x1 << ""\n""; cout << setw(5) << right << x2 << ""\n""; cout << setw(5) << right << x3 << ""\n""; cout << setw(5) << right << x4 << ""\n""; cout << setw(5) << right << x5 << ""\n"";