Write the interface (.h file) of a class Counter containing: * A data member counter of type int. * A constructor that accepts no arguments. * A function called increment that accepts no parameters and returns no value. * A function called getValue that accepts no parameters. IGNORE THE FOLLOWING: Write the interface (.h file) of a class Counter containing: A data member counter of type int. A constructor that accepts no arguments. A function called increment that accepts no parameters and returns no value. A function called getValue that accepts no parameters.


LANGUAGE: C++ CHALLENGE: Write the interface (.h file) of a class Counter containing: * A data member counter of type int. * A constructor that accepts no arguments. * A function called increment that accepts no parameters and returns no value. * A function called getValue that accepts no parameters. IGNORE THE FOLLOWING: Write the…

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Write the interface (.h file) of a class Counter containing: An instance variable counter of type int, initialized to 0. A function called increment that adds one to the instance variable counter. It does not accept parameters or return a value. A function called getValue that doesn’t accept any parameters. It returns the value of the instance variable counter. A default constructor.


LANGUAGE: C++ CHALLENGE: Write the interface (.h file) of a class Counter containing: An instance variable counter of type int, initialized to 0. A function called increment that adds one to the instance variable counter. It does not accept parameters or return a value. A function called getValue that doesn’t accept any parameters. It returns…

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Write the implementation (.cpp file) of the ContestResult class from the previous exercise. Again, the class contains: An instance variable winner of type string, initialized to the empty string. An instance variable secondPlace of type string, initialized to the empty string. An instance variable thirdPlace of type String, initialized to the empty string. A function called setWinner that has one parameter, whose value it assigns to the instance variable winner. A function called setSecondPlace that has one parameter, whose value it assigns to the instance variable secondPlace. A function called setThirdPlace that has one parameter, whose value it assigns to the instance variable thirdPlace. A function called getWinner that has no parameters and that returns the value of the instance variable winner. A function called getSecondPlace that has no parameters and that returns the value of the instance variable secondPlace. A function called getThirdPlace that has no parameters and that returns the value of the instance variable thirdPlace.


LANGUAGE: C++ CHALLENGE: Write the implementation (.cpp file) of the ContestResult class from the previous exercise. Again, the class contains: An instance variable winner of type string, initialized to the empty string. An instance variable secondPlace of type string, initialized to the empty string. An instance variable thirdPlace of type String, initialized to the empty…

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Write the definition of a class ContestResult containing: An data member winner of type string, initialized to the empty string. An data member secondPlace of type string, initialized to the empty string. An data member thirdPlace of type string, initialized to the empty string. A member function called setWinner that has one parameter, whose value it assigns to the data member winner. A member function called setSecondPlace that has one parameter, whose value it assigns to the data member secondPlace. A member function called setThirdPlace that has one parameter , whose value it assigns to the data member thirdPlace. A member function called getWinner that has no parameters and that returns the value of the data member winner. A member function called getSecondPlace that has no parameters and that returns the value of the data member secondPlace. A member function called getThirdPlace that has no parameters and that returns the value of the data member thirdPlace


LANGUAGE: C++ CHALLENGE: Write the definition of a class ContestResult containing: An data member winner of type string, initialized to the empty string. An data member secondPlace of type string, initialized to the empty string. An data member thirdPlace of type string, initialized to the empty string. A member function called setWinner that has one…

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Write the implementation (.cpp file) of the Player class from the previous exercise. Again, the class contains: A data member name of type string. A data member score of type int. A member function called setName that accepts a parameter and assigns it to name. The function returns no value. A member function called setScore that accepts a parameter and assigns it to score. The function returns no value. A member function called getName that accepts no parameters and returns the value of name. A member function called getScore that accepts no parameters and returns the value of score.


LANGUAGE: C++ CHALLENGE: Write the implementation (.cpp file) of the Player class from the previous exercise. Again, the class contains: A data member name of type string. A data member score of type int. A member function called setName that accepts a parameter and assigns it to name. The function returns no value. A member…

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QUESTION 1: Correct Consider this code: “int v = 20; –v; cout << v++;". What value is printed, what value is v left with? A) 20 is printed, v ends up with 19 B) 19 is printed, v ends up with 20 C) 20 is printed, v ends up with 20 D) 19 is printed, v ends up with 19 E) cannot determine what is printed, v ends up with 20 QUESTION 2: Correct Consider this code: "int s = 20; int t = s++ + --s;". What are the values of s and t? A) s is 19 and t is 38 B) s is 20 and t is 39 C) s is 19 and t is 39 D) s is 20 and t is 38 E) s is 20 and t cannot be determined


LANGUAGE: C++ CHALLENGE: QUESTION 1: Correct Consider this code: “int v = 20; –v; cout << v++;”. What value is printed, what value is v left with? A) 20 is printed, v ends up with 19 B) 19 is printed, v ends up with 20 C) 20 is printed, v ends up with 20 D)…

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Given the variable ip, already declared as a pointer to an integer, write the code to dynamically allocate memory for a single integer value, assign the resulting pointer to ip, and initialize the integer value to 27.


LANGUAGE: C++ CHALLENGE: Given the variable ip, already declared as a pointer to an integer, write the code to dynamically allocate memory for a single integer value, assign the resulting pointer to ip, and initialize the integer value to 27.

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Assume that ip has been declared to be a pointer to int and that result has been declared to be an array of 100 elements. Assume further that ip has been initialized to point to an element in the first half of the array. Write an expression whose value is the sum of the element that ip points to plus the next two elements.


LANGUAGE: C++ CHALLENGE: Assume that ip has been declared to be a pointer to int and that result has been declared to be an array of 100 elements. Assume further that ip has been initialized to point to an element in the first half of the array. Write an expression whose value is the sum…

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Assume that ip and jp have both been declared to be pointers to int and that result has been declared to be an array of 100 elements. Assume further that ip has been initialized to point to an element in the first half of the array. Write a statement that makes jp point to the element in the array just after the one that ip points to.


LANGUAGE: C++ CHALLENGE: Assume that ip and jp have both been declared to be pointers to int and that result has been declared to be an array of 100 elements. Assume further that ip has been initialized to point to an element in the first half of the array. Write a statement that makes jp…

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Assume that ip has been declared to be a pointer to int and that result has been declared to be an array of 100 elements. Assume further that ip has been initialized to point to an element in the first half of the array. Write a statement that makes ip point to the next element in the array.


LANGUAGE: C++ CHALLENGE: Assume that ip has been declared to be a pointer to int and that result has been declared to be an array of 100 elements. Assume further that ip has been initialized to point to an element in the first half of the array. Write a statement that makes ip point to…

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