Assume the existence of a Building class. Define a derived class , ApartmentBuilding that contains four (4) data members: an integer named numFloors, an integer named unitsPerFloor, a boolean named hasElevator, and a boolean named hasCentralAir. There is a constructor containing parameters for the initialization of the above variables (in the same order as they appear above). There are also two function: the first, getTotalUnits, accepts no parameters and returns the total number of units in the building; the second, isLuxuryBuilding accepts no parameters and returns true if the building has central air, an elevator and 2 or less units per floor.


LANGUAGE: C++ CHALLENGE: Assume the existence of a Building class. Define a derived class , ApartmentBuilding that contains four (4) data members: an integer named numFloors, an integer named unitsPerFloor, a boolean named hasElevator, and a boolean named hasCentralAir. There is a constructor containing parameters for the initialization of the above variables (in the same…

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Define a derived class , ApartmentBuilding that contains four (4) data members: an integer  named  numFloors, an integer  named  unitsPerFloor, a boolean  named  hasElevator, and a boolean  named  hasCentralAir. There is a constructor  containing parameters  for the initialization  of the above variables  (in the same order as they appear above).


LANGUAGE: C++ CHALLENGE: Assume  the existence of a Building class . Define a derived class , ApartmentBuilding that contains four (4) data members: an integer  named  numFloors, an integer  named  unitsPerFloor, a boolean  named  hasElevator, and a boolean  named  hasCentralAir. There is a constructor  containing parameters  for the initialization  of the above variables  (in the same order…

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