Define a derived class , ApartmentBuilding that contains four (4) data members: an integer  named  numFloors, an integer  named  unitsPerFloor, a boolean  named  hasElevator, and a boolean  named  hasCentralAir. There is a constructor  containing parameters  for the initialization  of the above variables  (in the same order as they appear above).


LANGUAGE: C++ CHALLENGE: Assume  the existence of a Building class . Define a derived class , ApartmentBuilding that contains four (4) data members: an integer  named  numFloors, an integer  named  unitsPerFloor, a boolean  named  hasElevator, and a boolean  named  hasCentralAir. There is a constructor  containing parameters  for the initialization  of the above variables  (in the same order…

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Define a derived class , CameraPhone that contains two data members: an integer  named , imageSize, representing the size in megapixels of each picture, and an integer  named  memorySize, representing the number of gigabytes in the camera’s memory.


LANGUAGE: C++ CHALLENGE: Assume  the existence of a Phone class . Define a derived class , CameraPhone that contains two data members: an integer  named , imageSize, representing the size in megapixels of each picture, and an integer  named  memorySize, representing the number of gigabytes in the camera’s memory. There is a constructor  that accepts two integer  parameters …

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Write a recursive, bool-valued  function, containsVowel, that accepts a string  and returns true  if the string  contains a vowel.


LANGUAGE: C++ CHALLENGE: Write a recursive, bool-valued  function, containsVowel, that accepts a string  and returns true  if the string  contains a vowel. A string  contains a vowel if: The first character  of the string  is a vowel, or The rest of the string  (beyond the first character ) contains a vowel

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Assume the existence of a BankAccount class . Define a derived class , SavingsAccount that contains two instance variables : the first a double , named interestRate, and the second an integer named interestType.


LANGUAGE: C++ CHALLENGE: Assume  the existence of a BankAccount class . Define a derived class , SavingsAccount that contains two instance variables : the first a double , named  interestRate, and the second an integer  named  interestType. The value  of the type  variable  can be 1 for simple interest and 2 for compound interest. There is also a constructor …

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Write the definition of a function called product.


LANGUAGE: C++ CHALLENGE: Write the definition of a function called product . The function receives two int parameters. You may assume  that neither parameter  is negative. The function returns the product  of the parameters . So, product (3,5) returns 15 and product (30,4) returns 120. The function must not use a loop of any kind…

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How to add a new Member Page to Buddy Press

PHP Logo

Platform: BuddyPress In Buddy Press each directory under the members/single directory is known as a component and can be very frustrating to customize. I recently had to add several new components to a theme and thought I should post the resulting snippet for others looking to modify their theme.

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How to print out global $bp variable to screen

PHP Logo

Platform: BuddyPress CHALLENGE: Working with BuddyPress can be one interesting adventure. When diving into this jungle I prefer to have all of the tools I can gather before hand. One of the handiest tools I have found is this little snippet that prints the $bp global to the screen so the developer can read first hand…

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SQL – Get all records entered this week

SQL Server

For developers who do not regularly program in SQL, there is a constant need for handy tips that help to ease the pain of accomplishing what they need. I work in MSSQL regularly but am no means a 10, if you know what I mean. That is why I thought I would create this category…

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