Assume that word is a variable of type String that has been assigned a value. Write an expression whose value is a String consisting of the last three characters of the value of word


LANGUAGE: Java CHALLENGE: Assume that word is a variable of type String that has been assigned a value. Write an expression whose value is a String consisting of the last three characters of the value of word. So if the value of word were “biggest” the expression’s value would be “est”.

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Assume that word is a variable of type String that has been assigned a value


LANGUAGE: Java CHALLENGE: Assume that word is a variable of type String that has been assigned a value. Assume furthermore that this value always contains the letters “dr” followed by at least two other letters. For example: “undramatic”, “dreck”, “android”, “no-drip”. Assume that there is another variable declared, drWord, also of type String. Write the statements…

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Write a program that reads lines from a file and prints them out, removing all occurrences of a specified string from the lines.


LANGUAGE: Java CHALLENGE: Write a program that reads lines from a file and prints them out, removing all occurrences of a specified string from the lines. For example, if the class that housed your program was called Exercise12_11, running this prompt on the command line: java Exercise12_11 John filename Would print out the contents of the…

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