Write a statement that calls add to compute the sum of euroSales and asiaSales and that stores this value in eurasiaSales


LANGUAGE:  JAVA CHALLENGE: Assume that arithmetic is a reference to an object that has a method named add, that accepts two int arguments and returns their sum. Two int variables, euroSales and asiaSales, have already been declared and initialized. Another int variable, eurasiaSales, has already been declared. Write a statement that calls add to compute…

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Create a PrintStream object using dos and assign the resulting reference to ps, a PrintStream variable that has already been declared.


LANGUAGE:  JAVA CHALLENGE: One of the constructors for PrintStream class has a single OutputStream argument. Assume that dos is a variable that references an OutputStream object. Create a PrintStream object using dos and assign the resulting reference to ps, a PrintStream variable that has already been declared.

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Assume that name is a variable of type String that has been assigned a value. Write an expression whose value is a String containing the last character of the value of name. So if the value of name were “Smith” the expression’s value would be “h”.


LANGUAGE:  JAVA CHALLENGE: Assume that name is a variable of type String that has been assigned a value. Write an expression whose value is a String containing the last character of the value of name. So if the value of name were “Smith” the expression’s value would be “h”.

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Assume that name has been declared suitably for storing names (like “Amy”, “Fritz” and “Moustafa”)


LANGUAGE:  JAVA CHALLENGE: Assume that name has been declared suitably for storing names (like “Amy”, “Fritz” and “Moustafa”). Assume also that stdin is a variable that references a Scanner object associated with standard input. Write some code that reads a value into name then prints the message “Greetings, NAMEVALUE!!!” on a line by itself where…

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Given an integer variable i and a floating-point variable f, that have already been given values, write a statement that writes both of their values to standard output in the following format


LANGUAGE:  JAVA CHALLENGE: The exercise instructions here are LONG — please read them all carefully. If you see an internal scrollbar to the right of these instructions, be sure to scroll down to read everything. Given an integer variable i and a floating-point variable f, that have already been given values, write a statement that…

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