How important are Hyperlinks, Really?


Hyperlinks are the individual strands that create the web. Without links the web would most likely not exist, if it did you definitely would not want to spend much time surfing it. With a simple < a > tag you can connect any other website, blog, web page, song, or file anywhere in the world directly to…

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FPDF – Creating A Basic PDF


I recently introduced you to a wonderful piece of software name FPDF. If you have not downloaded and began playing with its capabilities you definitely should. As a Developer we must always be looking for new additions to our toolbox.

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As a developer we are regularly asked to develop pages a little outside of our normal duties. A fair percentage of these requests (at least for me) usually consist of a dynamic pdf. Since turning down a project is never an option, I have acquired a tool in my toolbox to help me with these…

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JQuery or Mootools, Which is better?

jQuery vs Mootools

As I began looking for a solid JS Framework I found a plethora of possibilities, however, it did not take long for me to narrow the list down to just two realistic options, JQuery and Mootools. These two frameworks both have their fair share of supporters and opposition. In fact when it comes to comparing the…

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