Define a derived class , CameraPhone that contains two data members: an integer  named , imageSize, representing the size in megapixels of each picture, and an integer  named  memorySize, representing the number of gigabytes in the camera’s memory.


LANGUAGE: C++ CHALLENGE: Assume  the existence of a Phone class . Define a derived class , CameraPhone that contains two data members: an integer  named , imageSize, representing the size in megapixels of each picture, and an integer  named  memorySize, representing the number of gigabytes in the camera’s memory. There is a constructor  that accepts two integer  parameters …

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Write a recursive, bool-valued  function, containsVowel, that accepts a string  and returns true  if the string  contains a vowel.


LANGUAGE: C++ CHALLENGE: Write a recursive, bool-valued  function, containsVowel, that accepts a string  and returns true  if the string  contains a vowel. A string  contains a vowel if: The first character  of the string  is a vowel, or The rest of the string  (beyond the first character ) contains a vowel

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Assume the existence of a BankAccount class . Define a derived class , SavingsAccount that contains two instance variables : the first a double , named interestRate, and the second an integer named interestType.


LANGUAGE: C++ CHALLENGE: Assume  the existence of a BankAccount class . Define a derived class , SavingsAccount that contains two instance variables : the first a double , named  interestRate, and the second an integer  named  interestType. The value  of the type  variable  can be 1 for simple interest and 2 for compound interest. There is also a constructor …

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Write the definition of a function called product.


LANGUAGE: C++ CHALLENGE: Write the definition of a function called product . The function receives two int parameters. You may assume  that neither parameter  is negative. The function returns the product  of the parameters . So, product (3,5) returns 15 and product (30,4) returns 120. The function must not use a loop of any kind…

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How to add a new Member Page to Buddy Press

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Platform: BuddyPress In Buddy Press each directory under the members/single directory is known as a component and can be very frustrating to customize. I recently had to add several new components to a theme and thought I should post the resulting snippet for others looking to modify their theme.

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How to print out global $bp variable to screen

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Platform: BuddyPress CHALLENGE: Working with BuddyPress can be one interesting adventure. When diving into this jungle I prefer to have all of the tools I can gather before hand. One of the handiest tools I have found is this little snippet that prints the $bp global to the screen so the developer can read first hand…

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SQL – Get all records entered this week

SQL Server

For developers who do not regularly program in SQL, there is a constant need for handy tips that help to ease the pain of accomplishing what they need. I work in MSSQL regularly but am no means a 10, if you know what I mean. That is why I thought I would create this category…

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Are You Looking for a New Web Presence?

Website Logo

When searching for a firm who can develop your organizations web presence there are many factors that should be considered. Price and Experience are typically the first two qualifying factors that come to mind but there could be hundreds or even thousands that will determine the difference between a successful web launch and a “Where…

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