Write a loop that reads strings from standard input where the string is either “land”, “air”, or “water”.
Write a loop that reads strings from standard input where the string is either “land”, “air”, or “water”.
The loop terminates when “xxxxx” (five x characters ) is read in. Other strings are ignored.
After the loop, your code should print out 3 lines: the first consisting of the string “land:” followed by the number of “land” strings read in, the second consisting of the string “air:” followed by the number of “air” strings read in, and the third consisting of the string “water:” followed by the number of “water” strings read in.
Each of these should be printed on a separate line.
ASSUME the availability of a variable , stdin, that references a Scanner object associated with standard input.
int land = 0, air = 0, water = 0; String input = ""; do{ System.out.printf("Type in land, air or water. Type xxxxx to quit: "); input = stdin.nextLine(); switch (input) { case "land": land++; break; case "air": air++; break; case "water": water++; break; } }while(input != "xxxxx"); System.out.println("land:" + land); System.out.println("air:" + air); System.out.println("water:" + water);