Write a static method, getBigWords, that gets a single String parameter and returns an array whose elements are the words in the parameter that contain more than 5 letters. (A word is defined as a contiguous sequence of letters.)



Write a static method, getBigWords, that gets a single String parameter and returns an array whose elements are the words in the parameter that contain more than 5 letters. (A word is defined as a contiguous sequence of letters.)

EXAMPLE: So, if the String argument passed to the method was “There are 87,000,000 people in Canada”, getBigWords would return an array of two elements , “people” and “Canada”.

ANOTHER EXAMPLE: If the String argument passed to the method was “Send the request to [email protected]”, getBigWords would return an array of three elements , “request”, “support” and “turingscraft”.


public static String[] getBigWords(String sentence) {
	sentence = sentence.replace('@', ' ');
	sentence = sentence.replace('.', ' ');
	sentence = sentence.replaceAll("\\d+.", "");

	String[] tokens = sentence.split(" ");
	StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();

	for (String string : tokens) {
		if (string.length() > 5) {
			sb.append(string).append(" ");

	return sb.toString().split(" ");