Write the interface (.h file) of a class GasTank containing:
Write the interface (.h file) of a class GasTank containing:
A data member named amount of type double.
A data member named capacity of type double.
A constructor that accepts a parameter of type double.
A function named addGas that accepts a parameter of type double and returns no value.
A function named useGas that accepts a parameter of type double and returns no value.
A function named isEmpty that accepts no parameters and returns a boolean value.
A function named isFull that accepts no parameters and returns a boolean value.
A function named getGasLevel that accepts no parameters and returns a double.
A function named fillUp that accepts no parameters and returns a double.
class GasTank { private: double amount; double capacity; public: GasTank(double); void addGas(double); void useGas(double); bool isEmpty(); bool isFull(); double getGasLevel(); double fillUp(); };