Write a class named GasTank containing: An instance variable named amount of type double , initialized to 0.



Write a class named GasTank containing:
An instance variable named amount of type double , initialized to 0.
A method named addGas that accepts a parameter of type double . The value of the amount instance variable is increased by the value of the parameter .
A method named useGas that accepts a parameter of type double . The value of the amount instance variable is decreased by the value of the parameter . However, if the value of amount is decreased below 0, amount is set to 0.
A method named isEmpty that accepts no parameters . isEmpty returns a boolean value : true if the value of amount is less than 0.1, and false otherwise.
A method named getGasLevel that accepts no parameters . getGasLevel returns the value of the amount instance variable .


public class GasTank {
    private double amount = 0;
    public void addGas(double n1)
        amount = amount + n1;
    public void useGas(double n2)
        if ((amount – n2) > 0 )
            amount = amount – n2;
            amount = 0;
    public boolean isEmpty()
        if (amount < 0.1) return true; else return false; 
    public double getGasLevel() { 
        return amount; 