Write a class named Averager containing: An instance variable named sum of type integer , initialized to 0. An instance variable named count of type integer , initialized to 0.



Write a class named Averager containing:
An instance variable named sum of type integer , initialized to 0.
An instance variable named count of type integer , initialized to 0.
A method named getSum that returns the value of sum .
A method named add that accepts an integer parameter . The value of sum is increased by the value of the parameter and the value of count is incremented by one.
A method named getCount that accepts no parameters . getCount returns the value of the count instance variable , that is, the number of values added to sum .
A method named getAverage that accepts no parameters . getAverage returns the average of the values added to sum . The value returned should be a value of type double (and therefore you must cast the instance variables to double prior to performing the division).


public class Averager
    private int sum = 0;
    private int count = 0;

    public int getSum()
        return sum;

    public void add (int number)
        sum += number;
        count ++;

    public int getCount ()
        return count;

    public double getAverage()
        double avg = (double)sum/count;
        return avg;