Consider this data sequence: “3 11 5 5 5 2 4 6 6 7 3 -8”. Any value that is the same as the immediately preceding value is considered a CONSECUTIVE DUPLICATE.



Consider this data sequence: “3 11 5 5 5 2 4 6 6 7 3 -8”. Any value that is the same as the immediately preceding value is considered a CONSECUTIVE DUPLICATE. In this example, there are three such consecutive duplicates: the 2nd and 3rd 5s and the second 6. Note that the last 3 is not a consecutive duplicate because it was preceded by a 7.

Write some code that uses a loop to read such a sequence of non-negative integers , terminated by a negative number. When the code exits the loop it should print the number of consecutive duplicates encountered. In the above case, that value would be 3.


int firstNumber,secondNumber = -1, duplicates = 0;
do {
    cin >> firstNumber;
    if ( secondNumber == -1) {
        secondNumber = firstNumber;
    }else {
        if ( secondNumber == firstNumber ) 
            secondNumber = firstNumber;
} while(firstNumber > 0 );

cout << duplicates;