A Color class has a constructor that accepts three integer parameters : red, green and blue components in the range of 0 … 255 with 0 representing no contribution of the component and 255 being the most intense value for that component.
A Color class has a constructor that accepts three integer parameters : red, green and blue components in the range of 0 … 255 with 0 representing no contribution of the component and 255 being the most intense value for that component.
The effect of full or semi-transparency can be achieved by adding another component to the color called an alpha channel. This value can also be defined to be in the range of 0…255 with 0 representing opaque or totally non-transparent, and 255 representing full transparency.
Define a class AlphaChannelColor to be a subclass of the Color class . AlphaChannelColor should have the following: – an integer instance variable alpha – a constructor that accepts four parameters : red, green, blue and alpha values in that order. The first three should be passed up to the Color class ‘ constructor , and the alpha value should be used to initialize the alpha instance variable . – a getter (accessor) method for the alpha instance variable
public class AlphaChannelColor extends Color { public AlphaChannelColor(int red, int green, int blue, int alpha) { super(red, green, blue); this.alpha = alpha; } public int getAlpha() {return alpha;} private int alpha;}