Write the implementation (.cpp file) of the Player class from the previous exercise. Again, the class contains: A data member name of type string. A data member score of type int. A member function called setName that accepts a parameter and assigns it to name. The function returns no value. A member function called setScore that accepts a parameter and assigns it to score. The function returns no value. A member function called getName that accepts no parameters and returns the value of name. A member function called getScore that accepts no parameters and returns the value of score.



Write the implementation (.cpp file) of the Player class from the previous exercise. Again, the class contains: A data member name of type string. A data member score of type int. A member function called setName that accepts a parameter and assigns it to name. The function returns no value. A member function called setScore that accepts a parameter and assigns it to score. The function returns no value. A member function called getName that accepts no parameters and returns the value of name. A member function called getScore that accepts no parameters and returns the value of score.


void Player::setName(string aName){
    name = aName;}

void Player::setScore(int aScore){
    score = aScore;}

string Player::getName(){
    return name;

int Player::getScore(){
    return score;